AMA was held on KwikswapDEX Telegram group on 09/02/2022
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Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
AMA START: Welcome @nft_queen and thanks for joining me. How are you doing?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Thank you for me, lets go👍
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Okay, now we have a few questions that have been preselected already. But I thought would be nice to just give a little intro to yourself and what you do at Vulture?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Well, I am Kate, Head of Strategy at Vulture Peak.
I am an IT engineer by profession, crypto enthusiast, and NFT collector.
I started exploring crypto in 2019 and ever since has been hooked on the concept of blockchain technology.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Interesting! What is your favourite NFT you hold?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Nott much but i own a few of them and my favourite would be Azuki
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Awesome — we all have the one we’ll never sell
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
And so, for those who aren’t aware, can you please give us one line on what is Vulture Peak?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Vulture Peak is a pioneering Launchpad and an Investment fund focusing on blockchain games, NFTs, metaverse, DeFi, and other developments in the blockchain space. It aspires to empower everyone with an investing power by providing equal opportunities for all to invest in the early stages of the projects.
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Pretty exciting stuff!
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
So, let’s let’s dive straight into the questions to hear more!
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
First up.
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
What makes Vulture Peak unique?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
And what makes our project different or the advantages that we have is: you see, you spend days, sometimes months, searching for the right crypto project but miss the chance to invest early in it and the complex process of IDO allocation is time-consuming. Even worse is the uncertainty. After all the hard work of staking and locking your tokens, you worry whether you would get whitelisted or not. So that’s why we came up with the idea of Vulture Peak. Unlike other Launchpads, Vulture Peak requires no staking or locking up of tokens to get whitelisted. It’s on a first-come, first-served basis and there is no tier system.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
The participants only must deposit a minimum amount of $VPK tokens (Vulture Peak’s native token) as registration fees to get whitelisted and the allocation is guaranteed for whoever comes in first. The deposits will be in the range of $10-$30 worth of tokens only.
Deposit VPK tokens >> Get whitelisted >> Buy IDO tokens >> Claim tokens
It also has a deflationary mechanism which will in turn increase the value of a token.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Very unique in it’s use then!
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
And tell us, whats your long-term development plan?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Currently, we are only on BSC. We will add on other networks like Polygon, Solana, Avalanche, etc depending on the demand in the market, to make Vulture Peak a multi-chain platform. Vulture Peak would be the most convenient and the easiest platform to participate in IDOs of potential projects.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
And as we move on, our community will grow and we aspire to become a community-based VC and provide opportunities for people to invest in the early stages of the project.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Vulture Peak will also gamify its platform over time by building small creative mini-games on its platforms and the users will be required to use VPK tokens to play these games. The games will have attractive prices.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Similarly, it also aims to incorporate Vultureverse, a metaverse feature in its platform in the future by collaborating with other projects. For this, users will be required to use VPK tokens. And there are more exciting plans down the line.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
I will upload our roadmap here for more details:
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
I mean, all of that sounds really exciting and promising. You have HUGE plans it’s safe to say! The thing that stands out for me the most is the community-based VC, what a huge opportunity for your users
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Tell us more about the team behind the project?
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
And has the contract been audited?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Well, to talk a little about our team, we have experienced team members who are well-versed in the overall functioning of the crypto space. Our tech team is from a reputable blockchain software development company from Vietnam. Our marketing team has vast networks and connections in the crypto space which takes our project’s reach to a wider range of audiences and helps spread the word. Additionally, we are being incubated by Oddiyana Ventures, another well-known Institutional VC, who has invested in more than 60+ projects in 2021, incubated several projects and is an advisor in some of the successful projects right now. They guide us and support us through all our stages and it has been very enriching to work with such talents.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Our contract is currently under review by Certik. It will be done soon and we will be announcing it to the community.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
[In reply to Kate]
Great to hear
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Thanks for that brief background on the team
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Can you give some detail on your TGE and vesting schedule ?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Our TGE will be on 16th Feb on Pancakeswap. And here is our tokenomics where you can find the vesting schedules:
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Thanks for sharing
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Appreciate your time, just one more question!
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Why the name Vulture? How did that come about?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
We kept our project name as “Vulture” because vultures are amongst one of those birds that can fly very high where other birds cannot even think of flying. The users on Vulture Peak will fly the same :)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
[In reply to Kate]
Sounds like you guys mean business 👀
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
[In reply to Kate]
And just to loop back quickly. I should ask — do you have a UTC time for the TGE?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Gazza]
Regarding the time do check our TG group and socials we will update there :)
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
[In reply to Kate]
Yes please do everyone check Vulture out more
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Well thank you @nft_queen I’ve enjoyed chatting & appreciate your time
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
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Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Before I open up the channel, is there anything else you’d like to say?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Thank you for all those important questions😇
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
My pleasure!
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Brace yourself and get ready🤓⚡️
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Okay, thats all
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Thank you so much
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Wish you guys all the best 👊
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Kwikstarter IDO date: Febuary 12th 10am UTC, 2022
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Gazza]
thank you
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Great and I’ve opened the chat back up 😃
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Hello Kwik community 👋
Mueng Josip, Community member
Project Launchpad is becoming a trend in the Blockchain. Many non-crypto still don’t understand how to join launchpad and how to get whitelist. Do you have plans to educate about your project to outside of Non-Crypto? What are the measures to increase awareness of your projects in non-crypto space?
Crypto Chris, Community member
Can you talk a bit about your partners, who all are your backers?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Crypto Chris]
Well, we have been able to gather a solid team, onboard VCs, and made a strategic partnership with a couple of Launchpads.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Kate]
Incubated by:
Oddiyana Venture
Strategic Partners:
Fairum Ventures, Ekoios, Whitelist Ventures, BBS Finance, Golden Meteor Capital, Sheesha Finance, Qv Ventures,Gotbit Consulting,Bird
Launchpad Partners:
Kwikstarter, Koistarter Moonstarter, Multipad, StartFi,lunapad, Matic Launch,Leonicorn, Memepad
Currently in talks with:
DCI, Blockmint , GBIC, Labs Group, ChinaPolka, Jackel Ventures, Testnet Ventures
Crypto Chris, Community member
What are some of the token utility?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Mueng Josip]
Yes Launchpad is becoming one of the trend in the blockchain space. Participating in our launchpad quit complicated for most of the launchpads even for crypto people but for our launchpad the process is very much easy and hassel free even a non-crypto could understand how is done.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Kate]
Deposit VPK tokens >> Get whitelisted >> Buy IDO tokens >> Claim tokens
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Crypto Chris]
Vulture Peak’s native token is VPK token. It will be used as a registration fee to get whitelisted for IDOs on our platform on a First Come First Served basis. We will also have defi tools like staking and farming pools.
In staking, user stake the VPK tokens and VPK-BNB LP tokens to gain points which can later be used to receive bonuses from the profits generated by the platform over time. Similarly, in farming, users can stake VPK tokens to earn reward tokens.
Vulture Peak will also gamify its platform over time by building small creative mini games on its platforms and the users will be required to use VPK tokens to play these games. The games will have attractive prices.
Similarly, it also aims to incorporate Vultureverse, a metaverse feature in its platform in the future by collaborating with other projects. For this, users will be required to use VPK tokens.
So, these are some of the token utilities that we have right now and we will innovate & create more additional interesting features in our platform to create more use-cases for our token as we move on.
Crypto Chris, Community member
Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Crypto Chris]
Yes, we do have the token burning mechanism. A certain portion of the VPK tokens that we collect as registration fees, will be burnt at the random interval after carefully studying the market.
This will act as a deflationary mechanism for the project.
John Walfer, Community member
All project coins have their main Utilities & real-life usecase! So, can you tell us what are the main role of your coin in your ecosystem? Explain its Utilities & Real-Life use cases? and why should i invest in your coin for long term??
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to John Walfer]
So, like i said before, It will be used as a registration fee to get whitelisted for IDOs on our platform on a First Come First Served basis. We will also have defi tools like staking and farming pools.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
[In reply to Kate]
But for staking, unlike other staking features, when users stake their VPK tokens or their VPK-BNB LP tokens, they will be able to earn points which will later be used to gain some bonuses from the profit generated by the platform in the long run. We have plans for profit-sharing in the long run.
And for farming pools: Users can stake their tokens and earn rewards in tokens.
So large token holders will enjoy this not to mention the deflationary mechanism that we have, will also help in pushing the price.
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
Thank you for the questions!
Gazza, Kwikswap Mod
Awesome questions everyone
Kate (Chief Strategy Officer)
And thank you for having me
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About Vulture Peak
Vulture Peak is a pioneering Launchpad and an Investment fund focusing on blockchain games, NFTs, metaverse, DeFi, and other developments in the blockchain space.It aspires to empower everyone with investing power and provide equal opportunities to all to participate in IDOs and invest in the early stages of the project. Unlike other launchpads, the overall process to participate in IDOs is now made much easier and straightforward. The participants only have to deposit a minimum amount of Vulture Peak tokens to get whitelisted for IDOs and it requires no staking or locking up of tokens. It is on a First Come First Served basisVulture Peak will also gradually explore into Gamification of the platform and incorporate Vultureverse in its platform over time.
Watch our socials and VPK for more information.
To keep updated with the latest developments, connect with us on: