Vabble AMA Session Recap

10 min readJun 15, 2021


Kwikswap x Vabble AMA Session Recap

11am UTC | 15/06/2021 |

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Hello there. Everyone this is James and Michael — CEO and COO of Vabble. Let me start by thanking you for taking the time out of your busy day to join us here. Can you both start by providing a little introduction of yourselves to our community?

James || Vabble Founder

It’s a pleasure thanks for having us!

James || Vabble Founder


James || Vabble Founder

Starting with a brief introduction of the team:

I’m James, CEO. Previously to Vabble I was a sales manager for Vodafone, Specifically Vodafone TV leading teams to out preform the standard KPI result for over 2 years. I have had a love for film since I was young and write scripts and so on in my spare time. I have quite a number of key connections to the Irish Film Industry and thus have access to a network whom I will work closely with RE Vabble.

Michael || Vabble Team 🇮🇪

I’m Michael, COO I’ve been in the space for over 4 years. Most notable in this space i have created one of the most used crypto discord bots currently with 1.4m users today and also I’ve also been managing crypto communities for many years.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Thanks for providing a little introductory to our community. I’m sure they were all very curious to hear about your backgrounds. From now on, please mark the end of your answer with “DONE” so we know when to proceed to the next question.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

For the next question: Could you talk to us about Vabble? What is the product and what are you trying to achieve?

James || Vabble Founder

Of course. A helicopter view of Vabble would simply be an SVOD just like Netflix, Hulu, amazon and so on but whereas all these services take an anolog approach, just a user and a film, we are building an interactive, social based UX. Starting off the social experience, we are building out a virtual cinema experience where users may consume film while on video and audio calls with loved ones and friends removing the issue of distance and borders. We feel, along with many in the film industry, film should be an experience in a social environment as you absorb the feeling and emotion both in the film and those around you furthering the experience and how writers and directors wish for their piece to be viewed.

A second layer to the social experience is the independent chats for every piece of content on Vabble. While a user is watching a piece of content on Vabble, they will be able to text chat with other users around the world who are consuming the exact same piece of content they are, in real time. To put this into context, imagine you are after watching a new episode of GOT back in the day. You just finished the episode and have speculations how things will go in the next episode. Well, with Vabble, you will be able to discuss your speculations with others right in the moment.

Moving on from there, rather than create a closed door, corporate infrastructure like Netflix and so on, we want to build an ecosystem that may support the film industry both from a view of independent film creators or larger production studios. This is done by our ecosystem, really an economy by where users pay to consume content and that revenue is delivered directly to the content owners. Really a P2P economy. Our production launchpad provides the industry more freedom for securing funding without the needless stress to limit their true creative nature to please the corporate investors. Our production launchpad turns ALL other SVOD services largest outgoing cost into a revenue stream for the company.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

That definitely sounds like an interesting idea. With an experienced team like yours to back it up — it really could turn into something amazing! Now as you stated in your reply just now, one of the most important parts is the social aspect of it all. For it to have a social aspect you would require a userbase and content. Users will not sign up to the site without quality content, and quality content will not come to the site without users. How do you plan to tackle this problem?

James || Vabble Founder

This is the chicken and the egg problem and no easy feat but we think we have a method which is:

James || Vabble Founder

We will start by building our library of content though independent film producers. The content that we will first populate our library with will be a mix of short films and feature length films from pre-existing libraries such as Vimeo.Secondly, we will be working on developing strategic deals with content deemed undesirable by other SVOD providers. Content that does not meet their T&Cs due to their sensitive nature. We like to use the example of Vaxxed.

Content like this is caught between a rock and a hard place by where they have nowhere to distribute their content to be worth it, I.E revenue thus, we will offer a lump sum to onboard their content and develop the user base based on this content which in turn will generate even more revenue than the lump sum we provide.Lastly, we will be funding content on a small term basis in the beginning ourselves which later will switch to the production launchpad.

While our team develop out the actual platform, we will also be working in securing content to populate the library much of which we may pay up front for. Thus, when we get to beta stage, we will have a platform that will have content and thus we can onboard users.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

That sounds like a great idea. It’s great to know you having given thought to this issue. It really shows you have thought this through. Now a very common saying (and fact?) in the crypto space is that the biggest part of the community only cares about the token price, and not the value of the project. How do you plan to attract newcomers, and keep them on the platform should the price of the token drop?

James || Vabble Founder

First key thing to note here is — Vabble’s core marketing strategy to onboard users will be outside of the crypto realm. Thus, introducing many new faces to the crypto space and putting VAB at the forefront of their purchasing efforts. At some point, we will run out of rebates to issue members upon subscription payment (our ecosystems mechanic for revenue) therefore when each subscription is paid to us by users each month, we will have to go to market and purchase more Vab to issue as rebates.

As for retaining members long-term. The structure of the rollout to the platform is vast meaning that features will be coming out frequently which will all lead to new members and this circle keeps on going around. As our subscriber base grows our revenue will grow also. Each quarter we will release our earnings over time and so on just like a traditional company but won’t have a stock. The only way to invest in Vabble will be to purchase Vab thus providing a market condition where members will retain their allocations long term. Plus, the added benefit of paying for your monthly subscription in Vab and cancelling Netflix.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

That sounds like a great way of handling this issue. Now you say your core marketing strategy will be to onboard users outside of the crypto realm. Most users outside of the crypto realm have no idea what crypto is all about. How will the Vabble team work on adoption and education for these users?

James || Vabble Founder

They do not need to know anything about crypto, here’s why -

James || Vabble Founder

We are creating a system based on cryptocurrency right, but we are automating quite a large percentage of the crypto economy from a consumer’s (users) perspective. We want Vabble to be able to be used by everyone and anyone, even grandmothers, without the intricate knowledge of wallets and so on. A user will simply pay their monthly subscription and start consuming content meanwhile in the background our automated systems will be handling the cryptocurrency infrastructure within the ecosystem. In saying that, we do not hide any of the cryptocurrency functionality. If in time a user becomes more interested in cryptocurrency, they can delve into the intricate mechanics of the ecosystem such as wallets, launchpad and so on. So, in essence we are creating two frontends so to speak. One with a fully automated crypto integration for end users so they are able stream seamlessly and the second frontend being one we all, in here, would enjoy using, such as investing in launchpads, buying NFTs and so on.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

It’s great to know my grandmother will be able to watch all the amazing upcoming content on your website! This marks the end of the introductory questions. It has really painted a good picture of the fundamentals of the project, thanks for answering these questions so far. We will now move onto the community questions.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Q.1 Marketing is an important part of streaming services (influencers, streamers, traders…) do you have any content creator in mind to bring on the project , or are you already working on a collaboration ? Thank you.

James || Vabble Founder

Depends on what you mean by content creator. From a YouTube type content creator, no but yes we are in talks with some well-known bodies in Hollywood which will see Vabble onboard some well-known names in the industry to the Vabble Film Board. Marketing will be a large part of this effort.

As for crypto based marketing, we have been featured on quite a number of content creators on YouTube.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Q.2 Hello! It would be interesting to know whether in the future the community will have the opportunity to participate in voting in favor of some way of developing the project and what are the main uses of the $VAB token? Thank you in advance!

James || Vabble Founder

Nice question.

As of today, we do not have any plans for community voting on the development side but that’s not to say we won’t do this in the future. We are rolling out a governance voting portal where users will be able to vote on what content we list next (what we license) and there will also be a governance mechanic for our launchpad by where users will be able to vote on what proposals make it to the funding stage.

In terms of the main uses for VAB, there are various utilities for Vab just like a fiat current in a country. This is everything from, governance of content, user rewards, subscription rewards (rebates), NFT purchases, source of funding and investing on production launchpads as Vab is required for participation on production launchpad, payment processing for production companies as in revenue they generate.

You need to think of the Vabble ecosystem as an economy like the countries we live in. The currency of each nation is used to support the entire countries and their goods and services. Over time, more goods and services are brought into the economies which are supported by the fiat currencies.

This is not any different to Vab and our ecosystem (economy). It will evolve over time and so will the utility of Vab outside of those mentioned above.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Q.3 how do you see the development of the token in the future?

James || Vabble Founder

For one we are exploring the idea of locking periods in order to invest in productions on the launchpad in addition to reducing circulating supply. Another is the purchase and sale of NFTs provided by production studios. Governance, Content voting, by where users many votes what content we license next. Rebates and rewards — Rebates are given each month when a subscription is paid and rewards are issued for increasing profile rank by consuming more and inviting more.

As mentioned in the previous answer, we are building an economy and thus the token, like a fiat currency, will be used to support majority of features we release. So in the future as our features grow so too will the token.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Q.4 In the future, do you intend to begin original content creation like Netflix is doing?

James || Vabble Founder

Yes of course. We are funding some featured content ourselves and a lot will come from the production launchpad. All these features will be exclusives on Vabble.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Q.5 Is your project a local project or a global project? Can anyone use your services from anywhere in the world? Are there any restrictions of using your service?

James || Vabble Founder

Its a global project. People in all countries will have access to Vabble and I should mention on this topic, we will be looking at supporting by independent and larger film studios in nations around the world and marketing productions by these studios in their local demographical areas.

Dylan | Kwikswap Community Manager

Alright, thanks for once again answering all these questions. This marks the end of the community section.

Once again, a big thank you from the Kwikswap team, we look forward to your IDO launch on our Kwikstarter IDO Launchpad!

The whitelisting process for the public launch of our token is now live.


How to take part in the Vabble launch on Kwikstarter IDO Launchpad:
Link to ‘How to’ Medium Article

Vabble IDO Details

  • IDO date: June ~22nd, 2021
  • Price per VAB token: $0.0160 USD
  • There will be $650,000 available through the Kwikstarter IDO, totaling to 40,625,000 VAB
  • Token Vesting: 15% unlock on TGE, 30 day cliff, then 17% unlock per month
  • Contribute with BNB

Vabble official channels listed below!

Official Vabble Links:












Written by KwikSwap

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